Sabtu, 03 Maret 2012

Love At First Sight - Redwoods 2009 free download from mediafire

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A Film by David Lewis

Cast: Matthew Montgomery, Brendan Bradley, Laurie Burke, Cole Panther, Tad Coughenour, Elinor Bell, Simon Burzynski, Caleb Dorfman


A gay couple bound together by their love for their learning disabled son finds their relationship but to the test when one enters into a passionate romance with another man. Set against the majestic backdrop of the Russian River, Redwoods opens to find Everett and Miles settled into an uneventful life of predictable domesticity. These days, it seems like the only thing keeping them together is their mutual desire to give their son Billy the best upbringing they can. One day, Miles takes Billy on a father/son trip. While they're away, Everett befriends a traveling writer named Chase. The chemistry between the two men is instantaneous and undeniable, and before long Chase's dormant passions are reawakened. Is Miles and Everett's love strong enough to endure the challenges of a long-term relationship, or is it finally time for them to both accept the fact that they'd be better off apart. 


Download: 8 Parts

Part 1:
Part 2:


English Subtitle:

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jika ada terjadi kesalahan terhadap link, anda bisa mengirim email ke atau comment pada blog ini secepat mungkin akan kami balas ke email anda. Terima kasih atas kritik dari blog kami.

12 komentar:

  1. anda sudah mendownload 8 parts yang saya sediakan?

  2. iya baru liat....kirain download complete tuh single link,,eh pas aq buka,,,banyak bgt part-nya,,,hmmmmheheh,,,,,,,,sorry!!!!

  3. oia,,,req juga dunk Dunno Y Na Jaane Kyun,,,tuh film banyak dpt nominasi kyknya,,,,,film ttg gay juga kok....ya kalo bisa seh???

  4. Diusahakannya, follow atau like pagenya biar update kalau ada yang baru

  5. negh film kena sensor ya gan???atau emang udh dr sananya ya???

  6. td pas buka baju,,,gambarnya lgsg buram gtu dah....

  7. wah,,ternyata bisa kalo pke MPC,,,hehehe...abis td muternya pke KMP seh,,,,,asyik,,,,,,gak kecewa deh,,,,

  8. Maaf kok Link DOwnloadnya rusak ya ? This file no longer exist -_-

  9. ko error di media firenya? bisa di benerin ga fileny min , soalny ngebet sama film ini
